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Page history last edited by Catina Haugen 12 years ago

Welcome to the Grant Student Wiki! 

This wiki is strictly for student use to learn digital literacy skills integrated with curriculum. What are those?


...Projects for sixth graders based on curriculum as well as a learning experience for students on copyright, netetiquette and safety.


How do I use this wiki?

  1. Click on your current project listed below.
  2. Remember you must be logged in to edit a page. (See Ms. Mason if you've forgotten your username and password.)
  3. Follow the guidelines for cybersafety, netetiquette and copyright use.


Choose Your Current Class Project from the List Below.

Mrs. Reynolds' Class  Ms. Hurd's Class 





PBWorks Summer Camp Visitors 

Locations of visitors to this page  



Current Project

Past Projects


Fantasy Book Report 






The GrantBook lesson is taken from http://iaspace.pbwiki.com.  Thank you Klaudia for sharing this resource via the PBWorksSummer Camp.



Comments (1)

Mia said

at 10:42 am on Sep 25, 2008


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